
I thought I should probably introduce myself...

My name is Laura and I am a thirty something year old from a small town in Warwickshire, England. After years of promising myself that I would go back to university and getting a degree, I finally bit the bullet and enrolled through the Open University in February 2016.

After 15 months of studying part-time, working full-time, and juggling family, social, and relationship commitments I finally finished my first year of study in June 2017!

I have had my ups and downs but I am so proud of myself for getting further than my 18-year-old-self did and actually finished my first year. I still have about 5 weeks to wait until I find out if I passed my exam, but I'm hopeful.

I love to read and write, I enjoy taking pictures and looking at beautiful artwork. I'm happy in my own company, and love spending time with family and friends. My partner and I have a family of fur-babies and we love to travel, exploring new countries and cultures.

My only regret is waiting so long to talk myself into this! I've had times when I feel completely out of my depth - and I'm sure that there will be many more of these moments in the next couple of years - but there have also been so many great 'eureka!' moments where everything I've learnt suddenly falls in to place.

I've finished the first year of my BA (Hons) Arts and Humanities degree - specialising in Art History and English Literature - and started my second year in October 2017.

Only you can change your life, what are you waiting for?

Laura xx


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